This was an unfrozen prepared dish that came in a bag to be cooked on the stove top or in the microwave. A non-BPA microwavable bowl was included so that’s how I cooked mine. It also came with a small packet of black and white sesame seeds for topping just before serving. The meat wasn’t very tasty, but both the red bell pepper and sauce were flavorful. I’d also like to point out that if you were to eat the whole thing you’d ingest over 80% of your recommended salt requirement for the day. Eighty percent! I’d have to drink three gallons of water and be peeing all day long to pass that much salt out of my body.
On the plus side, it was quick and easy to prepare. Just put everything in a bowl, mix it all together, and pop it in the microwave. Elapsed time from bag opening to first mouthful was fourteen minutes. That included reading the instructions. Twice. And stirring the sauce into the noodles. Twice, also. I’m not proud, I ate from the same bowl that I microwaved it in, so cleanup? Zilch.